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Common Skin Infections and the Available Treatments

Skin infections

Your skin is designed to protect and cover your body from germs and other dangerous organisms. Unfortunately, it is fairly easy for germs to enter the body when you have cuts or scrapes on the skin. If you are not careful, these germs will eventually cause an injection to develop on the skin. The skin is an extremely complex organ, so it can be affected by a large number of different infections. These are five of the most common skin infections and the available treatments.


Cellulitis occurs when bacteria gets deep inside the skin’s tissues. The infected skin will be extremely red and swollen. You will also likely have to deal with a fever and chills when fighting cellulitis. This infection can cause serious damage if it is not treated in a timely manner because it will continue to spread until it is killed. Luckily, cellulitis can easily be cured by taking prescription antibiotics.


Impetigo is another common skin infection caused by dangerous bacteria. Impetigo is extremely easy to spot because it causes red sores to develop on the face, hands and feet. These sores will eventually start to ooze pus after a few days. It is very important to avoid touching the sores because this will only help spread the infection. Impetigo commonly affects small children. Antibiotics are the only effective treatment.


Warts are small bumps that grow on the skin after being exposed to the human papillomavirus. There are several different strains of this common virus. The virus strain will ultimately determine the location of your warts. These unsightly bumps are regularly found on the fingers, feet and genitals. Medical treatment is the best way to completely get rid of your warts. Freezing therapy, laser treatments and small surgical cuts are the best way to remove pesky warts.


Folliculitis occurs when the hair follicles on your skin become infected by a bacteria or fungus. Small pimples will grow on the skin after the infection has inflamed the hair follicles. Unlike regular pimples, the ones caused by folliculitis will be very itchy and painful. If the virus is left untreated for long enough, then you may start to experience some hair loss. Medicated creams, pills, and shampoo are usually enough to eliminate the infection.

Skin infections should be taken seriously. If you believe that your skin as become infected, then you need to visit Premier Dermatology in Alpharetta, GA. We will examine the skin and quickly start you on an effective treatment plan to eliminate the infection. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to take care of any skin infections you may have.

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