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One of the most popular commercials to see on TV are for mascara and eyelash curlers. However, for as popular as those products are for most women, if you were born with thin or short eyebrows, products like these are something you’ll never use. Thin eyelashes are a frequent, if underreported, problem that affects millions of women around the world.

Premier Dermatology and Mohs Surgery of Atlanta is proud to offer Latisse® to women suffering from thin or short eyelashes. Latisse® is an FDA-approved prescription medication which is proven to help grow eyelashes and give women a luxurious and sexy look.

What is Latisse®?

Latisse® began as a prescription drug for glaucoma called Lumigan. While patients were being treated for their glaucoma, they noticed the side effect of longer eyelashes. While the longer eyelashes were first noted as a safe side effect to a different medicine, doctors saw the potential of Latisse® and decided to distribute it as its own product.

Just like hair grows on your head and body, and eventually falls out, the same is said of your lashes. But unlike your hair, your eyelashes aren’t just limited to one lash per follicle. Latisse® works on two levels: By extending the length of the lash, and also by increasing the amount of lashes that are grown. The result is eyes that are full of long, lush and luxurious lashes.

Using Latisse® is simple. All you do is apply Latisse® to your upper eyelid each night and watch the results come in. The drug will be distributed to the lower eyelid as you blink, so there’s no need to apply it there.

Does Latisse® work?

Yes! The results are almost staggering. Studies have shown that those who used Latisse® saw their eyelash length increased by 25%, eyelash darkness increased by 18% and patents’ eyelash thickness and fullness increased by a whopping 106%!

This is a safe product to use for virtually anyone, but there are some ways it can be risky. You shouldn’t use Latisse® if you have an eye infection or conjunctivitis. If you wear contact lenses, it’s important to make sure they are out while you’re using this product. The best way to do this is to use it before you go to sleep when your contacts are out naturally. It shouldn’t be used if you have eye problems such as uveitis or have a risk for macular edema.

Most side effects occur if the solution gets into the eye; however, these side effects have been described as minimal and manageable. The most common side effects are itchiness and redness.

When can I get started?

If you’ve wanted the long, luxurious lashes of your dreams, then call our offices for a consultation today! We’ll answer any questions you may have about this product and how it could give you the eyelashes you deserve!

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