You have been experiencing significant pain from a twisted varicose vein that is leading to skin ulceration. You are a little concerned because you are aware that complications with varicose veins can sometimes lead to serious problems like blood clots. Since you are concerned, it is only reasonable to want to consult with vein removal doctors. Our specialist at Premier Dermatology and Mohs Surgery of Atlanta will be able to help you monitor your situation and plan a course of action that is right for your particular situation: which could, in all likelihood, lead to vein removal surgery.
Check Out Online Reviews
When it comes to learning about the quality of work vein removal doctors do — or any doctor for that matter — you should take some time to do your own investigating into any online reviews of such individuals. While you cannot generally trust everything you read online about people in reviews, you can look for consistent themes from one review to the next to give you a more objective insight into the real picture of the kind of quality you are getting with a given doctor. At Premier Dermatology and Mohs Surgery of Atlanta, we are happy and proud to feature our satisfied patients’ reviews on our website.
Assessing the Situation
Our doctor is generally going to begin their assessment of your situation by considering that your vein problems could be due to lifestyle issues and corrected without surgery. In certain cases, if altering your lifestyle will not fix the problem, then he may want to seek other solutions. You want to be sure that if they choose to go ahead with removing or causing a vein to fade away with some procedure that they choose a procedure that best fits your unique situation. You certainly do not want to incur more pain or be stuck with a longer than necessary recovery time.
Understand Your Surgical Options
With so many vein removal options available today, vein removal doctors have a lot of options at their disposal. While his recommendation may be medically sound, you should also make sure that the recommendation is the best fit for your unique situation. This is where a lot of open communication between you and our vein removal doctor is essential to you getting the right treatment option.
To schedule a consultation and begin your road to recovery, call Premier Dermatology and Mohs Surgery of Atlanta today! Our friendly and experienced staff would be happy to help you with all your vein-related concerns.