You have a spot on your skin that is suspicious. It doesn’t have a symmetrical shape and it has grown bigger over time. Sometimes it bleeds. It may scab over, but it never heals completely. You’re worried about it. You may have skin cancer. The last thing you can do is ignore it. Skin cancer detection is a must. The earlier you pinpoint any skin cancer, the better your chances are that you will be able to take care of it. Skin cancer, like any cancer, needs to be taken care of a soon as possible so that you don’t have bigger problems down the line.
Why Is Skin Cancer Detection Essential?
When you have skin cancer, it can be frightening. Any type of cancer is alarming. The best thing that you can do is take care of it at the earliest stage possible. The first step is a proper diagnosis. Our dermatologist will be on the lookout for warning signs. For example, you could have skin cancer if you have a mole that suddenly appeared or your mole has changed. Any sores that will not heal could be skin cancer. Growths that are not symmetrical in size should send up red flags. If your sore has red, white, or blue in it, it could be skin cancer. Our dermatologist will perform a biopsy to test your growth. If it is skin cancer, you will move forward with a plan of action.
Create a Plan of Attack
As with any cancer, you will need to find a treatment that is effective. If left untreated, your skin cancer could grow. It could disfigure you. Worst of all, it could spread to your organs. Mohs surgery involves removing the skin one layer at a time. As it is removed, the cells will be sent to the lab to search for the presence of cancer cells. The process will continue until no more cancerous cells are detected. You want to address any skin cancer issues before they turn into something worse. Skin cancer detection is your best insurance policy for healthy skin.
Take Care of Your Skin Cancer Today
If you have skin cancer, take care of it today. Make an appointment with us today. Get your skin tested, find the right treatment plan, and put yourself on the path to healthy skin. You don’t want to deal with more skin cancer in the future. The longer you put off treatment, the more aggressive your skin cancer could be. You can get rid of skin cancer and move on, but it needs to be detected first. Our dermatologist will be a part of your team to take care of your skin.